Cannot read property ‘platform’ of undefined

Problem resolution with Visual Review and Protractor

Walmyr Filho
2 min readJun 3, 2016

For some time I was not working with Protractor integrated with Visual Review, because of this, when I returned to integrate both tools, I got the following error when running my tests, after the needed configuration for it:

Cannot read property 'platform' of undefined

I searched in the internet for the exact error and I found nothing related to it, so, after finding the solution, I decided to post it here, to help anyone else with the same issue.

First of all, I searched in all my project for such platform, and I found nothing.

Then, I decided to take a look at the VisualReview-protractor node module. There, into the visualreview-protractor.js file I found such platform.

My first approach, after finding the platform was to verify the return of capabilities.


And it returned the following:

Capabilities {
'acceptSslCerts' => true,
'applicationCacheEnabled' => false,
'browserConnectionEnabled' => false,
'browserName' => 'chrome',
'chrome' => { chromedriverVersion: '2.21.371459 (36d3d07f660ff2bc1bf28a75d1cdabed0983e7c4)',
userDataDir: '/var/folders/dx/nv38lwrs4xjdb8tnqzpfz0840000gn/T/.org.chromium.Chromium.VUtHtc' },
'cssSelectorsEnabled' => true,
'databaseEnabled' => false,
'handlesAlerts' => true,
'hasTouchScreen' => false,
'javascriptEnabled' => true,
'locationContextEnabled' => true,
'mobileEmulationEnabled' => false,
'nativeEvents' => true,
'platform' => 'Mac OS X',
'rotatable' => false,
'takesHeapSnapshot' => true,
'takesScreenshot' => true,
'version' => '51.0.2704.79',
'webStorageEnabled' => true

The platform was there, but not with the capabilities.caps_.platform structure, but with capabilities.platform structure.

Then it was time to take a look at the tool's documentation, that was showing me the following:

With that was easy to understand what was missing.

I just changed the Protractor configuration file from:

const VisualReview = require('visualreview-protractor');
var vr = new VisualReview({
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 7000


const VisualReview = require('visualreview-protractor');
var vr = new VisualReview({
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 7000,
propertiesFn: function (capabilities) {
return {
'os': capabilities.platform,
'browser': capabilities.browserName,
'version': capabilities.version

With that all my e2e tests returned to work, integrated with Visual Review.

Obs.: This issue was perceived in an environment with the following configurations:

Chrome Version 51.0.2704.79 (64-bit)
Protractor Version 3.3.0
Visual Review v0.1.3
Visual review-protractor "^0.2.0"

And you, have you had some nice experience integrating Protractor and Visual Review? Let me know.

Got interested? Take a look here and see what I've already wrote about the subject, and here is a hands-on video showing how it works.

Take a look at this post in Portuguese on my WordPress blog.



Walmyr Filho
Walmyr Filho

Written by Walmyr Filho

QA Engineer, clean coder, blogger, writer, YouTuber, online teacher, mentor, member of technology communities and passionate for good music 🎶 and skateboarding

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